Our Next Event Will Be A Pistol fun shoot On The 29th of September At 10am .
Followed by a visit from Chorley Healey scout group at 1pm .
Anybody that can help out for a couple of hours teaching these youngsters the basics would be greatly appreciated.

A few words from our Chairman who has now officially retired from running our fun shoots

After being put on the spot approx 20 years ago , myself and Steve O Brien stepped in and took over the fun shoots to avoid members being disappointed.

However , I now feel that the time has come for me to hand over the reins to some new blood

This next fun shoot on 29th of September will be the last one that I organise.

I will still carry on as your Chairman ( or Dictator ???? ) and help with the running of the club with the best interests of the members at heart .

Over the years we’ve had many memorable moments , from people shooting the wrong targets , to claiming that they have shot the right one , to me being robbed of a win despite putting two shots in the turkeys eye .

The competitions have been varied and the banter fantastic . I’ve learned new words , been called new names , and changed the rules many times , sometimes mid competition.

With your kind donations we have raised thousands of pounds to aid local charities and I would like to personally thank all of you for this .

I would not of been able to do any of this without the help of the committee and the people that volunteer to help out on the day .

So ……To the Whingers , the Moaners , the pack up and go homers , thank you . I’ve enjoyed almost every minute of it . I’ve feasted from the bbq and been guided throughout by our Safety Officer to keep you all safe . I hope that you’ve all enjoyed my idea of a fun shoot over the years .

Please support the new team in future shoots and I’ll be stood next to you taking part.


A good turn out today (27/7/24) for our work party with all the cabins being treated for winter, car park dug out for a little extra space and drainage, trees trimmed and all the cabins cleaned and a bit of decent weather.