News of Our Next Event Coming Soon, Watch This Space.

A great turnout for today’s fun shoot (23/6/24) in aid of North West Blood Bikes .A total of £500 was raised .Many thanks to everyone that took part or contributed in any way.

We started off with the Duck Shoot . Will it go up ? Is .22 better than .177 ? Oooo . aaah !A closely fought battle to raise the ducks head that was eventually won by Paul Nolan .

Next was a 3 shot competition to try and be the nearest to the centre of the target on a printed squirrel . Most people seemed to aim for its nuts ! Perhaps we will lower that aim point next time .This was won by Ethan Bailey .

Finally to round off the mornings events we held a duel. Old rivalries were put to the test , who can hit their target first ? Despite a couple of misses , a winner shone through and the event was won by Paul Nolan.

Plenty of banter was shared , lots of mickey taking , rules being made up as we went along all added to a great morning.Many thanks to Andrew from North West Blood Bikes for coming along and telling us about the work that they do .

Special thanks to Steve , our bbq chef for yet another morning of face feeding .Hope everyone enjoyed themselves .

Cick HERE for a short video of the day.

We also received a thank you letter of Blood Bikes see below..